Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the Heart

I can only see you in light. Bluish, greenish light.
no red permeates my eyes.

Just standing there, being you. saying your voice.
touching the wind with your movements.

call me or look away, there's no way I won't stay.
I'll stay and look at you, walk around and hear your steps.

I'll look around, and enjoy all the light around.
see with my heart and hear with my pulse.

My heart still beats, it betas for life, for sound and for air.
For earth and for fire, the earth helps us all.

Don't shy away, don't look down,
look up and all around, let your heart find it's way.

For always i'll be there, shining over you and looking at the sun.
The sun is bright and shines over us.

Don't get under the shade. Please don't.
look up and let the sun warm you.

It warms us all.


At 5:44 AM, November 18, 2008 , Blogger Ipanema said...

Yo también vengo a recordar espacios por acá. Me confundí de blog pero encontré el actual, ¿Cómo estás?

Un Abrazote


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