Thursday, May 12, 2005


Human behaviour, do you understand it? do you even know what it is?

i believe that i can understand it or read it more than the usual guy. Have in mind that it´s not about predicting what someone would do. Humans are unpredictable, emotions are too volatile to be predicted, ok, yeah so some times you know what someone will do given the circumstances, you know your friends and you know what´s the most likely thing they will do, but that´s just it, the most likely, it´s not the one they´re gonna do for sure, it never is. Even ourselves do this things sometimes that we didn´t think we would/could do. after something happens, you remember it (most of the time) then after it´s gone, you start thinking about it in your mind, looking at it, inspecting it, studying it, reading it, and in all this process some layers start to lift and you start seeing the "truth", but then you analize this truth and after a while, another layer lifts making you see another "truth", and the process repeats itself for as long as you want. the thing is knowing when to stop. cause you can keep going and of course!, along all this process you have also added your own ingredient into the mix, IMAGINATION, what woud humans do if they didn´t have imagination? imagination is the key to the world we have right now. we have what we have right now because of imagination. ok, so now back to the point.

thinking that you know why someone did something, and in general, information gives you power, i just wish that this information would come faster not hours or days after whatever situation happened. in any case, what´s done is done, and like Jhonny Walkers slogan, "keep walking". keep going, keet one foot in front of the other, and then another time, and then again, and again, and keep going...... keep walking.

As humans there´s some things that we don´t like, hate, despise, whatever. as my brother tells me, i have to learn how to be less condescending, not to accept other behaviours if i don´t like it. and really? why do i have to accept others bahaviours? when they are hurting me, when i´m not living a happy life. and i mean it not as an unhappy life, but just as a life that gives no reward, no happiness, no joy of living, no feling that it´s worth to be alive!

But this is just mirrors and shadows, (read my last post), cause i know that if I had someone who loves me, not in a familiar way of loving, but as a lovers love. So i would be thinking that life is precious and SO worth living, and i´d be so happy, and would look upon averything as if everything is perfect. but then again it would be just mirrors and shadows, or should i say smoke and mirrors?

either way, there´s no escaping it. life is what you make of it. (yeah i know you´ve heard this before, so shoot me) so just keep walking.



At 10:40 PM, May 13, 2005 , Blogger XimenaKlemengettingmarried said...

como dijo el sabio, la vida es facil, es uno el que la complica.
no quiero ponerte nada tan filosofico ni espiritual, talvez algo mas real, que valla mas acorde con el primer sentimiento que se tiene al pasar por una situacion dificil y no al sentimiento que va despues de pensar, analizar y FILOSOFAR, aveces eso no ayuda tanto, porque suena muy bonito pero te toma tiempo y el dolor tampoco se va tan rapido.
Importante saber que lo que no sirve que no estorbe y en la vida como tu mismo dijiste, no hay que aceptar lo que nos hace infelices. es mas, tu sabes, no hay que decirtelo. escribiste todas las preguntas pero tambien las respuestas. es mas, yo no se ni paque te pongo comment, tu la tienes clara.
no need to shut you.


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