Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Got Fired

I´ve been fired...

I don´t feel so bad. Maybe just a little, cause things could have been better, but I don´t feel bad about it. In a way I´m getting back something I lost when I started working. - FREDOM!!! - Freedom to work as I want. Freedom to work when I want. I don´t have to work "Office Hours". So I think I´ll start working "Night Hours" again. hehehehe The only thing that worryes me is that now I´m not gonna have the same monthly income than before, it´s gonna be much lower. I still have another 2 jobs that will keep me going, but I don´t think it´s gonna be the same.

And anyway, my boss told me that they´re gonna hire me freelance, so that whenever they need something that I usually did there, they´ll call me and well... hire me. And I´ll work from home, wich I love, not just for working from home, but because the mood in the office has been changing for some time and I was starting to feel bad about it. Let´s just hope he keeps hes word.

I´m sorry for 2 ppl that will remain there, and I think they´ll have a harder time with me not being there, but either way, theres nothing I can do about that now.

My most recent Maxim is.... "The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills"

Life continues, better things will come my way, and everything will be great, not just O.K. they will be great!!! So now I can´t look at the bad things, and I´m sure that if I got fired today is because I´m gonna get an even better job that requires all the time that I just got free, and even more.

I think that´s it.

CheerS! everyone!


At 9:54 AM, March 17, 2006 , Blogger Unknown said...

C'est la vie. Y esa es la actitud!

At 10:34 AM, March 17, 2006 , Blogger JuanFalla said...

Esa ES la actitud que hay que tener. Oiga, y de cual trabajo lo despidieron?

At 11:05 AM, March 17, 2006 , Blogger XimenaKlemengettingmarried said...

pues, que buena actitud, pero, porque ?
que paso?
si quieres compartir los details......... ]
besito! LOVEU!

At 12:52 PM, March 17, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

La tipica actitud de los empresarios hoy en dia, para desmejorar los contratos laborales de los empleados jovenes!!!!!
De esta forma, con contratos tipo freelance no se mejoran las condiciones economicas de las personas ni su calidad de vida, es una verguenza!
Lo siento mucho.
Pero aquie entre nos, seguro q llegara una mejor oportunidad laboral para ti.


At 5:29 PM, March 17, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Igual el cambio de rutina siempre traerá cosas positivas.

Ya soné fue como escritor de horóscopos .. jajaja

At 7:22 AM, March 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bueno ya sabíamos lo que podía pasar en ese trabajo. Si él no te decía nada, tarde o temprano tú lo ibas hacer (por algo lo venías estudiando), yo sí me alegro que hubiera pasado, porque creeme que te estabas desperdiciando allá. Estoy segura que van a venir cosas mejores para tí, "las cosas son porque son"; es más, ya te están sucediendo nuevos retos en dónde estás madurando como profesional -diseñando-. Fortaleza y como siempre lo has hecho, para delante.

At 4:50 PM, March 18, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aca siempre estamos esperandote, si quieres cambiar de "Aires"...
un besote
Ana Maria


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