Thursday, June 09, 2005


When? and What?

Ok, so today the question is what frustrates you?

Me, well, it´s not often that Ii get frustrated, most of the time it´s that I can´t win a game or something, other times it´s when I´m working on some script for flash or director or doing some 3D work and knowing that I´m doing it right, but what I´m getting back is not as I´m expecting it. hehehe. and I´m saying "But it´s right!, it´s as it´s supossed" of course it´s not, otherwise I´d be getting it as I expect it, but I´m not. hehehe. it makes me laugh. (of course it makes me laugh... always after) cause more often than not, I might even say that I´s always ´cause of a coma or point more than needed or lacking.

Besides that, I don´t get frustrated often, maybe it has something to do with my expectations? I don´t know, and... is it really so important to know?

I don´t wanna sound like a recording, but just live your life as better you see fit, acting by instinct and what you feel is right. I don´t mean that you sould kill your boss cause he/she yelled at you, even though in some cases it may seem like the most reassonable thing to do, don´t. hehe

what else? well, that´s for you to figure out. I do´t have all the answers you know.

just post what´s next..



At 11:03 PM, June 13, 2005 , Blogger XimenaKlemengettingmarried said...

I think that you get frustrated more than you know.
maybe you got used to it, that's why you don't notice it every time.

At 6:08 AM, June 14, 2005 , Blogger Vrolfak said...

well, yeah, that´s possible.

but i on´t think so that much.


At 12:15 PM, June 14, 2005 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rule #1: The boss is ALWAYS RIGHT!
Rule #2: Do as many times as your boss tells you to.
Rule #3: You are there to obvey, not to question your boss' point of view.

If you understand this "three simple" rules, you will have no problems.*

*(Take into account until you are your own boss)

At 5:59 PM, June 15, 2005 , Blogger XimenaKlemengettingmarried said...

a ver pelufara!
en la duda cual es la cuestion?

At 1:31 PM, July 25, 2005 , Blogger Chandaxi said...

I mostly got frustration from friends, and specially girls, but that could be my fault, cuz always tend to build higher expectatives than reality. The worst are girls being unfaithful to their husbands, boyfriends, and of course, to me. An unfaithful person lacks character and is really not a good friend for any expecting some kind of loyalty.


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