Friday, April 21, 2006

sixth sense?

"I have a bad feeling about this".

Why do I have a bad feeling?

About what do I have a bad feeling in the first place?

Something´s wrong, I just don´t know what it is yet.

But from another side, comes a feeling of goodness that makes me feel good, if not great! I wish I knew of what I´m talking about.

In the end I´m left alone in a sea of indecicion.

The bad feeling starts to go away, but new waves of it come again and again. I must hold my ground and not give in to it. I refuse to fall to the dark side. The light will be my path!


At 2:36 AM, April 23, 2006 , Blogger Alberto B said...

hola aqui pasando muy interesante el post!!! y de paso mire el blog y puse fotos de nostalgia para que veas a tus hermanitos jovensitos.....jejej

At 12:22 PM, April 26, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do ya mean 'bad feeling' like havin' a bad premonition 'bout sumthin'?, or like sumthin' went really fucked up so u got head knackered deciding wot to do?

In ne case, bad feelings are normal, needed, and useful, we got used or instructed on to always hava nice good feelings and positive attitud, and that's not correct 100% tho. Bad feelings come up there to being considered not avoided, some peps zed that if u hava bad feeling 'bout sumthin', u would feel like better deny it, but deep inside u'll keep knowin' that's the real thingy happenning.

Like when u suspect about being cheated, wake up doode! that's already happenning!, u just whish it does not. Roll somehow those big shinny horns and move on.

At 4:13 PM, April 26, 2006 , Blogger soyChapin said...

"I must hold my ground".. "I refuse to fall to the dark suide"

Creo que ya tienes la clave.. me gustaron mucho esas dos frases.


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